On 1/22/2019 2:31 PM, Zelphir Kaltstahl wrote:
If the terms procedures and functions in computing have no significant difference, then why use two terms for the same thing, of which one is already used in mathematics, enabling confusion to appear?

This would make a fine argument for not using the word "function" for computing at all and keep to using the term "procedure" all the way.

That's what many older languages did - Fortran and Lisp being notable exceptions, but they can be forgiven because they were the first (abstraction able) programming languages, and their early users were people who knew and understood the difference between computing and mathematics.

In the world of syntax design, wholesale use of the term "function" - *relatively* - is a new thing.

I disagree on one more point. It is not necessary to always remember the low level character of code running on a machine, if the language we are using abstracts it well and guarantees us, that there will not be strange effects in all the relevant cases for our programs.

But a language CAN'T guarantee that there will not be effects - "strange" or otherwise.  Spectre attacks work even against code that is correct WRT its programming language because languages either are ignorant of - or are intentionally ignoring - side effects of those fiddly little machine operations.

What I am relating to is:

> The computer abstraction of "applying a function" can only be stretched
> so far.  Those fiddly little "steps" that approximate the function can't
> legitimately be ignored: they consumed time and energy, and [barring
> bugs] in the end they gave you only an approximation - not an answer

Yes it can only be stretched that far (not infinite resources, precision etc.), however, there are many situations, where I think the stepwise nature can be legitimately ignored. I would say, if a language is well designed and the interpreter / compiler and things in between that run it are proven to be correct, I do not see, why we should not ignore the stepwise nature of code execution. Why would it be useful to look at that, provided our program is sufficiently performant and does what we want? Furthermore they often do give me an answer. It may not always be the case for numbers, because of precision and such things, but think of things like joining together some strings, some constructs well defined in the language we use and the result of such procedure call would be an answer and not only an approximation.

I don't think it's a good idea to conflate the meaning of "function", from my current level of experience at least ;)

The problem is that there are far more situations where the abstraction leaks (or fails utterly) than there are situations where the abstraction holds.  That's why programming should be considered engineering rather than science.  [In truth, I think programming is more an art than an engineering discipline, but that's a different discussion.]

As you noted, a major problem area is numerics.  But it's more of a problem than you realize.  The average programmer today has had no math beyond high school, and consequently most uses of floating point are unstable and buggy.  There is far too much code that works by happenstance rather than by careful design.

In the past, it was true that more programs worked with strings (or symbols) than with numbers, but that no longer is the case.  Today, numerically dominated programs vastly outnumber symbolically dominated ones.

There are quite a few CS scholars who think the default for safe programming languages should be arbitrary precision, decimal arithmetic.  Rational arithmetic in Racket (and Scheme and Lisp) similarly is safe, but the fractional representation is off-putting to many people.  Something more like BigFloat would be a more palatable choice for the masses.

[1] You may (or not) remember that stock prices used to be quoted using fractions: e.g., $42 ^3 /_8 .  When online brokerages allowed the masses to begin trading, stock pricing was changed to be in decimal units because it was found that ordinary people found it too difficult to compare prices expressed as fractions: e.g., is ^3 /_8 greater or less than ^11 /_32 ?

[2] The tee shirt saying "5 out of 4 people have a problem with fractions" is, unfortunately, not a joke.


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