> On Jan 25, 2019, at 3:46 PM, Thomas F. Burdick <tho...@burdick.fr> wrote:
> On January 25, 2019 8:33:09 PM GMT+01:00, Jack Firth <jackhfi...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Due to the kind of data that would go in tuples - namely, a fixed-sized
>> heterogeneous collection of values - a function probably *shouldn't*
>> use
>> map and filter to process tuples. A program that calls filter on an
>> x-y-z
>> coordinate tuple is likely incorrect and not what the programmer
>> intended.
> Funny you should pick that as an example. I work in a CAD environment where 
> points are two-item lists, and polygon outlines are lists of points. You'd be 
> surprised how often it's useful to use ordinary list functions on points.

That’s precisely the kind of programming I had in mind. Racket is one of the 
few languages where you can eat your cake and have it anyways. Why take away 
that strength? 

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