At Thu, 31 Jan 2019 11:08:35 -0500, David Storrs wrote:
> One thing that surprised me is
> that there are a handful of tests (tak1, dynamic2, tak, mazefun,
> maze2, collatz-q, collatz) where Racket/CS actually outperformed CS.
> How is that possible?

I have not investigated closely, but Racket CS might perform more
function inlining than plain Chez Scheme. That's because Racket CS
performs it own inlining pass to better support cross-module
optimization, and then it hands over the result to Chez Scheme, which
performs its usual inlining.

Another possibility is that Racket CS changes evaluation order for some
function-call expression by forcing left-to-right evaluation of the
arguments. That is, Racket CS might force an order of evaluation that
just happens to be slightly better.

Along similar lines, the differences are small enough that it could be
just from accidents of allocation order and size that trigger a
memory-alignment pattern that happens to be slightly better for some
layer of caching.

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