On Tue, Feb 12, 2019 at 4:46 PM <jackhfi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thank you for the explanation.  Can I ask why the heck it works this
>> way?  This seems to be explicitly designed for maximal surprise and
>> minimal usefulness.
> It works that way so that, by default, modules can't inspect, modify, or 
> otherwise muck around with structs defined by other modules. Opaque structs 
> (that is, structs that aren't transparent and aren't prefab) aren't really 
> meant to be used like "plain old data objects" with fields and accessors, 
> they're more like building blocks for abstract data types. A module that 
> defines an opaque struct type is expected to be responsible for exporting to 
> other modules all the functions that are necessary for using that type. 
> Anything not explicitly exported by the module is not allowed, even through 
> reflective operations like struct-info. The exception to this rule is when 
> some entity above the modules is controlling them all, such as a debugger, an 
> IDE, or a server running client-supplied code. In these cases, the 
> controlling code has the option to make a child inspector and run all the 
> modules under that child inspector, giving the controlling code access to all 
> struct types through the parent inspector. This kind of setup can be nested 
> arbitrarily deep.

I see.  That makes sense.  I think it would be worth expanding the
documentation on that; I'm happy to provide a suggestion later
tonight, but I will need to do it through email instead of via pull
request.  I have long since given up on being able to find anything in
the Racket github in order to provide patches.  It's simply too
unintuitive and time-intensive to find the relevant section in
multiple repositories where the documentation is in randomly-named
fragments scattered across multiple directories instead of being
individual files with guessable names.

> This is nice for defining abstract types, but it can be pretty inconvenient 
> for defining plain old aggregated data types that just have a bundle of 
> fields. When defining those types as structs, consider using the 
> #:transparent option. This means "use no inspector at all" (roughly) and lets 
> `struct-info` Just Work (TM) without any inspector wrangling. The downside is 
> that other modules may be able to break your type's invariants and possibly 
> circumvent your contracts.

That's what I expected, but it doesn't seem to work:

> (struct person (name age) #:transparent)
> (struct-info person)

What am I missing?

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