Let me (ab)use this thread to add some more details on how to submit pull
requests (PR) on GitHub to racket using the GitHub web interface for other
noobs - which includes myself in another month or two. Ideally I would
write this up elsewhere to help with onboarding, but that won't happen
soon, so here we go. We are talking ELI5 (Explain Like I'm 5) level
explanations, so this will be painfully obvious to the vast majority
(although it would be good for someone who knows what they are doing to
correct whatever kludgy workflow I've come up with). I copy most of the
steps from Paulo earlier, but add some that I still had to figure out.

Long version (even longer version below. The short version is "Submit a PR;
if you need help, submit an Issue". Obviously.)

- go to https://github.com/racket/racket.
- Search for "which is one of the collections with its own testing style"
in the repo
- Go the file with the typo
- Edit it by clicking on the 'Edit' button (pen)
    1. If you have already forked the repo, you will be asked to choose
another branch. I chose master. (May be bad.)
    2. If you never forked it, it will offer "Fork and edit" and create a
temporary branch patch-1 (or patch-n later on)
- Fix the typo
- Add commit message and comment at the bottom, e.g. "Fix broken link" and
"Fixes #2518" (which fixes issue number 2518 conditional on PR being
- Hit 'propose file change', and 'commit changes' on next page
- Later, if accepted, you will be able to choose (somewhere in the
conversation part of the PR) to delete the temporary branch 'patch-n' or
what not. Probably a good idea.
- If you are asked to change part of your PR by the maintainers, go to the
PR page, find the last of your commits, choose 'Edit': "change this file in
the online editor"
    - This last part seems kludgy. What's the good workflow?

To add an issue:

- Go to https://github.com/racket/racket.
- Go to issues
- Add new issue, write message and comment, check it's not a duplicate
- If you need to add a permalink to a file where the error is, go to the
file, click on line number, click on the [...] that pops up, 'copy
permalink', add to issue message.
- Submit

Even Longer version:

I'll use the actual example from yesterday: at
https://docs.racket-lang.org/style/testing.html I found the following " See
the 2htdp <https://github.com/racket/racket/tree/master/collects/2htdp/>,
which is one of the collections with its own testing style" where the 2htdp
link is broken. Let's fix it.

- The documentation is somewhere on github, so go to
- Type the following into the search bar, but don't yet hit enter: "which
is one of the collections with its own testing style".
- Github will have a pop-up of two search options, one with "In this
repository" and one with "All of Github". Click "in this repository".
- From the hits you get, open the correct file that contains the typo
- Fix the typo: Magically you know that the link should point to
    - (I had to submit an issue to find out, I had searched for it with
'2htdp' and some others, but couldn't figure it out. See below on
submitting issues. Thanks to Sam.)
- Finally, you click the pen button at the top for 'Edit', next to 'Raw',
'Blame', 'History'
    - Except it says you need to be signed in
- So you log into GitHub (Or you have to sign up.)
- Now you click 'Edit' (pen button)

Two things can happen:

1. You never forked this repository before for an edit or anything.

- You can click the 'Edit' button (pen) (continue this snoozefest below, at
The Adventure Continues)

2. You already forked this project sometime in the past.

- That was my case. It then says "You must be on a branch to make or
propose changes to this file" when I hover over the pen.
- So you scan to the left side, and up (below the 'racket/racket' and '<>
code') to find something saying what branch you are on. Mine had the poetic
'Tree: 5bb83...'
- Click on the dropdown, choose 'master' (I believe that this is the master
branch of my fork. No clue whether this is stupid in general or not - as
in, I don't know whether my master is in sync automatically with
racket/racket master, as I don't know whether forks remain synched without
me doing anything. It worked this time, so ... )
- Click the pen button, and wait until it loads the branch you chose.

The Adventure Continues:

- Finally, edit: change `@hyperlink["
https://github.com/racket/racket/tree/master/collects/2htdp/"]{2htdp}` to
- At the bottom, type in the commit message and additional comments (where
it says "Propose file change")
- I wrote "Update broken URL" and as additional comments "Fixes #2518".
    - The latter part means that I claim that this fixes issue number 2518.
I believe that GitHub automatically understands this and if my pull request
gets accepted, the issue should automatically be closed.
    - I had opened that issue a little earlier, and that's how I found out
from Sam what the correct link/path is.
- Hit "Propose file change"
- On the next page, hit "create pull request"
- Sit back and wait until your PR gets accepted, rejected, or you are asked
for amendments.

Now, suppose that one of the maintainers asks you to change something in
your PR. After bursting into hysterical laughter (or tears, depending on
temperament), you give it a shot:

- Go to the pull requests (https://github.com/racket/racket/pulls) and find
your pull request.
- Choose 'commits' at the top
- Click on the commit (there seem to be 5 different ways of doing this)
- It shows the actual patch/diff/change that your early commit did
- Click the pen (Edit) button to "change this file in the online editor"
- This way your earlier changes from the earlier commit (or commits) are
- Fix whatever needs fixing, add commit message and comment, hit 'commit
- Done (maybe)

Submitting issues:

- So you don't know where the broken link should point to and decide to
open an issue.
- Go to racket/racket, click on 'Issues' at the top, click on 'New Issue'
(green button on the right at the time of writing)
- Add an issue message, e.g. "Broken link in docs"; Github will tell you
that this looks like other issues and ask you to make sure it's not the
same. Check it isn't.
- Get the link to the part of the code that needs fixing. For this, I went
to the file I knew had to be fixed from the earlier search
- I went to
and clicked on the line number 19 since the typo was in line 19.
- This made a [...] field appear on the left of the line. Click on it,
choose "Copy permalink".
- Paste this permalink into the comment part of the issue that is still
open in another tab. Check via preview that it shows the correct file and
- Write something clear and snappy, e.g. "I found this link and it seems
broken. I don't know where it should point though."
- Hit submit

Quickly log off your computer before anyone can tell you how to fix the
issue yourself! Otherwise, the above at least tells you how you can submit
that PR, another Issue, leading to another PR... turtles all the way down.


PS: This was so utterly painful to write up. If someone knows of tools to
record workflows online, that would be really nice. Writing isn't really
the right interface to provide this knowledge, but I find videos not that
useful either.

On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 2:05 PM Marc Kaufmann <marc.kaufman...@gmail.com>

> Ergh, of course I forgot to do that part. Thanks for catching that.
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2019 at 1:59 PM Paulo Matos <pmatos@linki.tools> wrote:
>> On 07/03/2019 13:40, Marc Kaufmann wrote:
>> > Thanks Paulo, this is way better than the workflow I used the only other
>> > time I made a PR. The only thing I had to do was choose a branch to
>> > commit to: I chose 'master', mostly because I have no clue what else I
>> > would have chosen. What is the default to contribute to?
>> >
>> > It was in scribblings by the way.
>> >
>> OK, I found you.
>> https://github.com/MarcKaufmann/racket/tree/patch-1
>> As you can see, github created the patch-1 branch correctly and your fix
>> is there. You should see now a button in green saying 'Create New Pull
>> Request'.
>> Then it should show something like:
>> racket/racket master <- MarcKaufmann/racket patch-1
>> on top. Press create pull request and it will create a pull request in
>> racket/racket for master, based on your patch-1 branch changes.
>> I would then expect to see a PR from you here:
>> https://github.com/racket/racket/pulls
>> --
>> Paulo Matos

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