A couple thoughts, not particularly well-organized, but in a more 
accessible form here than just tweeting at Alexis.

In all this discussion of "parens-less LISP", I find it slightly odd that 
nobody has mentioned Logo yet. I'm ambivalent about surface syntax, but 
it's not like this is a revolutionary idea.

Since people are talking about running on different "VM" architectures, an 
LLVM backend would be lovely and gives WebAssembly for free.
JVM support, on the other hand, seems like a particularly poor time 
investment, since (1) there is no shortage of options for functional 
programmers, and (2) the only real advantage of running on JVM is if you 
can provide interoperability with the massive Java ecosystem, but that's 
essentially incompatible with working around the JVM's bad architectural 
The elephant in the room for any Scheme running on the JVM is that (a) 
cross-function tail call elimination is incompatible with the security 
model; (b) trampolining everything is bad for performance and, more 
importantly, makes interoperability miserable (have fun writing all your 
Java code that calls Racket code in manual CPS-style); and (c) throwing 
everything into a massive state machine while-loop with gotos is both a 
static analysis nightmare and breaks the JIT optimizer due to single-method 
bytecode size restrictions.

As someone who loves the Racket philosophy and 
language-oriented-programming, but who is also very interested in building 
large-scale practical systems, the single biggest obstacle to me using 
Racket over other functional languages (mostly Scala/Dotty) for personal 
projects is the lack of static typing (Typed Racket feels very much like a 
second-class citizen in the ecosystem).
My deepest dream would be for Racket2 to have static type-checking as the 
default, with opt-in Rust-like affine types for programs that need precise 
resource management.
Essentially any other outcome is "fine, I guess".

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