On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 8:17 PM Simon Haines <simon.hai...@con-amalgamate.net>

> What wasted a lot of time for me is that, despite the macroexpander's
> results, the macro works as expected in the REPL. If you paste my original
> macro into DrRacket, run it, then type '(hex a)' into the REPL you get the
> expected result. In this case, '(expand (hex a))' doesn't help. This is
> possibly due to something like a combination of phases, environments and
> top-level bindings, but I couldn't figure it out.

This is a rather unpleasant pitfall of the REPL. If you try to evaluate the
expression `(if #f some-unbound-identifier 1)`, you will see that it
evaluates to `#f` in the REPL but raises an unbound identifier error in a
module. At the REPL, `some-unbound-identifier` refers to a top-level
variable, and it is allowed to support, for example, forward references to
identifiers that will be defined in a subsequent interaction, or
interactive re-definition of variables.

However, I have to admit that I hadn't realized before that references to
undefined variables are allowed even without a lambda delaying evaluation,
as long as they are in an untaken branch of a conditional. I have to say I
don't like it. This certainly falls under the category of "the top level is
hopeless" [1], but maybe we can do better in Racket2.

[1] See for example https://gist.github.com/samth/3083053, though that list
isn't even up-to-date.


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