Christopher Lemmer Webber writes:

> I guess a question remaining then is: if I'm doing this kind of dynamic
> import of the module, is there a way to require from it (especially if
> it isn't assigned to a "filename" on disk?).  It appears there must be;
> when I look at `build-program` in sandbox.rkt it also looks like it's
> wrapping things in a module structure... but I don't see how it then
> exports from that module or how the code evaluating it imports its
> export.  Or does it actually do so via an effect?  I see there are some
> channels involved (input-ch / result-ch) so maybe it's passing back the
> result through there, but I am having trouble figuring out how.
> Having said all that, maybe I can envision a way to make it work:
>  - Have a parameter that, when parameterized, sets up the expected
>    channel that a module, upon being loaded, is expected to return its
>    "result" from.
>  - When evaluating the module, parameterize that channel; read from
>    it after evaluating and extract the value.
> Does that seem like the right approach?  I guess I will give it a try,
> anyway.

Well I gave it a try and couldn't quite figure out how to make it work.
I tried writing out this file, dungeon/room-ch.rkt:

#lang racket/base

(provide current-room-channel)

(define current-room-channel
  (make-parameter #f))

Then I tried writing test-read-ch.rkt:

#lang racket

(require dungeon/room-ch)

(define test-prog
  "#lang racket/base

(require dungeon/room-ch)

(channel-put (current-room-channel) 'foo)")

(define (try-reading)
  (parameterize ([read-accept-reader #t]
                 [current-room-channel (make-channel)])
    (eval (call-with-input-string test-prog read))
    (channel-get (current-room-channel))))

It just hangs, so I assume that the module never wrote to that channel.
I guess it probably wouldn't until it's required, but I have no idea how
to "require" this dynamically-read-in module to prime it?

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