This works:

1. mkdir foo; cd foo; raco pkg install

2. create foo/main.rkt:

#lang racket/base

(module reader racket/base
  (require racket/port)
  (provide (rename-out [foo-read read]
                       [foo-read-syntax read-syntax]))
  (define (foo-read port)
    `(module ,(gensym 'foo) racket/base
       (provide the-foo)
       (define the-foo (let () ,@(port->list read port)))))
  (define (foo-read-syntax path port)
    (datum->syntax #f (foo-read port))))

3. In the REPL or another file, we can simulate the game's interaction with
the player's connection through an input port:

(define foo-source #<<END
#lang foo

(define bar 1)

(+ bar 2)

(define player-input (open-input-string foo-source))

(define source
  (let ([define-mod (parameterize ([read-accept-reader #t])
                      (read player-input))])
    (define mod-name (cadr define-mod))
    `(begin ,define-mod (let () (local-require (quote ,mod-name))

(println `(GOT ,(eval source (module->namespace 'racket/base))))

The value-extraction code is kind of messy, so you might want to stow it in
a `port-read-handler`, like this:

 (let ([default-handler (port-read-handler player-input)])
     [(in) (define original-handler (port-read-handler in))
           (define define-mod
             (parameterize ([read-accept-reader #t])
               (port-read-handler in default-handler)
               (begin0 (read in) (port-read-handler in original-handler))))
           (define mod-name `(quote ,(cadr define-mod)))
           (eval `(begin ,define-mod (let () (local-require ,mod-name)
                 (module->namespace 'racket/base))]
     [(in source) (datum->syntax #f (read in))])))

(println `(GOT ,(read player-input)))


On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 12:19 PM Christopher Lemmer Webber <> wrote:

> Hi Eric!  Thanks very much for the reply.
> Eric Griffis writes:
> >> It appears there must be; when I look at `build-program` in
> >> sandbox.rkt it also looks like it's wrapping things in a module
> >> structure... but I don't see how it then exports from that module or
> >> how the code evaluating it imports its export.  Or does it actually
> >> do so via an effect?  I see there are some channels involved
> >> (input-ch / result-ch) so maybe it's passing back the result through
> >> there, but I am having trouble figuring out how.
> >
> > Apologies for stating the obvious, but to get a value out of a module, we
> > `provide` it:
> >
> > In foo/main.rkt:
> >
> > ```
> > (define-syntax-rule (foo-module-begin form ... final-form)
> >   (#%module-begin (provide the-foo) form ... (define the-foo
> final-form)))
> > ```
> >
> > Then we can produce and consume foo-based modules like this:
> >
> > ```
> > (module bar-mod foo (define bar 1) (+ bar 2))
> >
> > (define my-bar (let () (local-require 'bar-mod) the-foo))
> > ```
> This approach works, but I'm not sure it works for my use case, because
> `module` is appearing at compile-time.
> Let me try to lay out the use case, and maybe it helps.
>  - We are in a MUD, or some other interactive game.  The game is running
>    live.  Some players have capabilities to provide new code for game
>    characters in the system or other interesting features.
>  - The users are able to write scripts that return things... however,
>    they are providing the scripts as the game is running.  (This will be
>    ocap safe, but I'll explains how that works in a separate
>    email... just trust me that I believe that if I can run it with in a
>    special restricted language and return a value from that module which
>    is loaded *at runtime* somehow, I can pull off this goal safely.)  As
>    such, we cannot at the time that we are starting the program actually
>    know or load all of the modules, because the users are providing some
>    of them live.
>  - As such we need to be able to do something along the lines of what
>    you just did, but we have to do it at runtime.
>  - I don't necessarily want to attach each of these user-supplied
>    modules to a global namespace; a user might experiment with making
>    many of them, and there's no need.
> Does that make sense?
> I'll explain more about how this can be ocap safe in a future email.
> For the moment, if you're curious on how this design works, more is
> here (the "emaker" pattern):

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