Jay McCarthy writes:

> I feel like I might not understand what you want, but it feels like
> you just want to use `make-module-evaluator` from `racket/sandbox`:
> ```
> #lang racket/base
> (require racket/sandbox)
> (define (read-script s)
>   (((make-module-evaluator s) 'script) 5))
> (module+ test
>   (read-script
>    "#lang racket/base
>     (provide script)
>     (define (script x) (add1 x))")
>   (read-script
>    "#lang typed/racket/base
>     (provide script)
>     (: script (-> Number Number))
>     (define (script x) (add1 x))"))
> ```
> You may want to set the `#:language` argument to control the language.
> And you will also want to set `sandbox-namespace-specs` to link up
> your internal data-structure providing modules so you can communicate.
> But other than those two things, it should be pretty straightforward.
> What is different about this than what you are trying to do?
> Jay

I think you're right, the sandbox code is fine enough to use.  I was
trying to remember why I hadn't been exploring this method, but quickly
rediscovered it:

racket-sandbox.rkt> (define evalu8
                      (make-evaluator 'racket/base))

; current-load-relative-directory: `exists' access denied for 
; Context:

Looks like this is because I'm running Racket on Guix; the other source
I can find of this coming up is
and it would indeed make sense if it *was* related to symbolic links,
since Guix makes heavy use of symlinks for its functional package

Looks like the problem is security guards really:

racket-sandbox.rkt> (parameterize ([sandbox-security-guard      
                      (define evalu8
                        (make-evaluator 'racket/base))
                      (evalu8 '(+ 1 2 3)))

Anyway that's an unrelated bug, but probably one I should file.
Nonetheless I think even in the interim I have a way to move forward,

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