Will Racket's pleasant surprises never end? :) This is great news! 

I've had a blast coding web applications in Racket over the last 15 months. 
I now understand "The Lisp Curse" a bit more :)


In other words, developing web apps with what is already provided by 
Racket, and a few packages, has been easy & enjoyable enough that it's 
delayed my work on a web framework. That's probably been for the best 
because now I have a few real world examples from which I can begin to 
extract the code that belongs in a general framework. I'll be resuming that 
work this month.

I watched the "how to create a blog in 15 minutes w/ Rails" video 14 years 
ago, and it had a huge impact on my work. There are still some very nice 
things to steal from Rails, and a whole lot of things to leave :) If you're 
interested in web development, and you haven't seen this video, I highly 
recommend it. There are some annoyances for sure, but be patient.


On Thursday, February 13, 2020 at 11:02:33 AM UTC-5, bogdan wrote:
> The version of the web-server that will be included with Racket 7.6 
> changes the way file uploads are handled so that they get offloaded to 
> disk after a certain threshold (similar to how that nginx module you 
> linked to works). 
> You can check out the pre-release docs for details: 
> * 
> https://pre-release.racket-lang.org/doc/web-server/http.html?q=binding%3Afile#%28def._%28%28lib._web-server%2Fhttp%2Frequest-structs..rkt%29._make-binding~3afile%2Fport%29%29
> * 
> https://pre-release.racket-lang.org/doc/web-server-internal/dispatch-server-unit.html#%28part._safety-limits%29
> To get these changes ahead of the release, you should be able to install 
> an updated version of `web-server-lib' from the package server or from 
> git. 
> Hope that helps! 
> - Bogdan 
> Brian Adkins writes: 
> > I'm posting a file to my web app using the following form: 
> > 
> > <form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="@(url-for 'upload-contacts 
> > (organization-id org-obj))" 
> >       method="post" *enctype="multipart/form-data"* 
> > class="file-upload-form"> 
> > ... 
> > </form> 
> > 
> > I use a simple function to create a hashtable of attributes: 
> > 
> > (define (form-values req) 
> >   (for/hash ([ b (in-list (request-bindings/raw req)) ]) 
> >     (cond [ (binding:form? b) (values 
> >                                (bytes->string/utf-8 (binding-id b) 
> #\space) 
> >                                (bytes->string/utf-8 (binding:form-value 
> b) 
> > #\space)) ] 
> >           [ (binding:file? b) (values 
> >                                (bytes->string/utf-8 (binding-id b) 
> #\space) 
> >                                (binding:file-content b)) ]))) 
> > 
> > It appears that the entire file contents are in the binding by the time 
> the 
> > request is available to me. This is fine for "small enough" files, but 
> for 
> > larger files, it would be great to be able to stream the file contents. 
> The 
> > solution may be to use something like nginx's upload module: 
> > 
> > https://www.nginx.com/resources/wiki/modules/upload/ 
> > 
> > But before I go down that route, I thought I'd ask if the Racket web 
> server 
> > provides a more direct way to accomplish this. 
> > 
> > Thanks, 
> > Brian 

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