Mohit Sindhwani wrote:
I have a very simple question about shared_layouts - how do I use it? I saw the readme and it says that it Allows Rails controllers/actions to use Radiant layouts as their "layout". I already have a Radiant app directory called newsite. Should I also do a rails newsite so that the default Rails stuff is created there?

I'm sorry this sounds like a real newbie :) but I've either done 100% Rails or done 100% Radiant so far!
Since there seems to be some confusion about how to use share_layouts lately, I'll break it down into steps for you and everyone.

1) Create an extension and a controller in it that you want to render views within a Radiant layout.

2) Create the layout in the Radiant interface, paying close attention to the page parts that you are rendering with the <r:content /> tag. Example:

 <div id="main"><r:content /></div>
 <div id="sidebar"><r:content part="sidebar" /></div>

Save that as a layout called 'Two-Column'.

3) Add the radiant_layout declaration to your controller(s), like so:

 radiant_layout 'Two-Column'

In this case, I would be referring to the Radiant layout stored in the database called 'Two-Column' that we created above. There are other ways to determine which layout to use, and I'll discuss some of those at the end.

4) Now, construct your view to create captured blocks that correspond to the page parts. The default 'yield' or 'content_for_layout' in a Rails view corresponds to the Radiant 'body' part. Example:

<% content_for :sidebar do %>
<p>This is the sidebar. It will be rendered inside an r:content tag that refers to the 'sidebar' part.</p>
<% end %>

<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>This is the main content. It is outside any content_for block but will be turned into the 'body' part.</p>

5) Check that your routes are properly defined to point to your controller and then hit the appropriate action in your browser. Et voila! Here's what the rendered view might look like:

 <div id="main">
   <h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>This is the main content. It is outside any content_for block but will be turned into the 'body' part.</p>
 <div id="sidebar">
<p>This is the sidebar. It will be rendered inside an r:content tag that refers to the 'sidebar' part.</p>

That's the basics.

Now, I promised that there were some other tricks, so I ought to explain those. First, similarly to the Rails 'layout' declaration, you can pass a block that will be executed at runtime to determine the proper layout. A good use-case for this would be to specify the layout you want to use in a Radiant::Config key. Example:

radiant_layout { |controller| Radiant::Config['my_extension.layout'] }

Given the controller gets passed in as well, you can monkey with whatever you need there, including the path parameters, session, etc.

Second, if you want your controllers to have more context within the rest of the site's static content, you can create what I like to call "application endpoints". Essentially, create a page within the page tree that is of type 'Application' (classname RailsPage) at a URL that matches your controller's route(s). Then when you hit your controller action, anything that is not directly specified by your view or controller, including title, breadcrumbs, page parts, etc will be derived from the existing page. This allows you to keep context within generated navigation or provide static text within your view that is editable from the Radiant UI. I don't think I have it implemented correctly, but ideally one should be able to select a layout on the page in the tree and have it set the controller's layout (I'll probably fix that today).

Third, you can manually define the title and breadcrumbs from within your view or controller. Setting @title and @breadcrumbs or creating content blocks for them will override the title and breadcrumbs for a found "endpoint" or define them for a controller without an "endpoint". Example:

<% content_for :title do %>My beautiful web page<% end %>
<% content_for :breadcrumbs do %>Home &gt; My beautiful web page<% end %>

Another neat trick you can do with share_layouts is to generate Radius code from your controller's views. Since essentially anything generated by the Rails view gets inserted into page parts and then rendered as if it were a page, you can put anything you want in there that is valid Radius code. Additionally, if you create an "endpoint" in the tree and specify some filters on parts that will be overridden, your view can be filtered with those filters. This means you could write your views in Textile, Markdown, or whatever other filter you want!

I know that's a lot to take in, so I'll try to write up a tutorial on the wiki for it. Hope this explanation helps you!


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