> Nice site! Well done.


> Couldn't you use the published date to order the events instead of reorder?
> Although, I personally haven't tried much with dates in the future.

I was under the impression that if a page has a publishing date set in the
future, it would only become visible on the site from that date onwards. Now
that you mention it, I'm not sure if this is true in Radiant, although it is
the case with another CMS that I have used. I did wonder about adding a
field, called "occurs_on", and using it in the way you described above, but
in the end I thought it simpler to just use the Reorder extension.

> I think people would find Wrappits useful.
> To get it in the core, you should fork Radiant and integrate it into your
> branch so that it is even easier than applying a patch. This would allow a
> core member to create a branch, pull your changes, and run your tests to see
> if it does what it is supposed to do. I'm fairly certain that it would not
> be added until you write your specs for it. Radiant is well tested and any
> new features should be well tested too.

But I'd certainly vote for it to be part of the core.

Thanks for the advice (and the vote!). My original patch included tests, but
now that Radiant has moved on to specs I guess it has gone stale. I will try
forking Radiant, and translating my tests into specs. Does anyone know a
rough schedule for the next release?



> On Jul 22, 2008, at 5:11 AM, Andrew Neil wrote:
>  having just heard about wrappits from this post, I am moved to wonder why
>>> this isn't part of core radiant behaviour....
>> I thought so too, and submitted a patch[1] for it a while ago. I don't
>> think
>> I managed to convince the gatekeepers to let it in, so I finally got round
>> to releasing it as an extension.
>> Drew
>> [1]: http://dev.radiantcms.org/ticket/611
>>> On Tue, Jul 22, 2008 at 1:27 AM, Andrew Neil <
>>> wrote:
>>>  Announcing a new site built on Radiant:
>>>>      http://westportbookfestival.org/
>>>> Designed by Will Brady, built by myself.
>>>> I was determined to keep it simple, so kept the number of extensions to
>>>> a
>>>> minimum:
>>>> * Reorder[1]
>>>> * Sass[2]
>>>> * Subscriber lists[3]
>>>> * Wrappits[4]
>>>> * Markdown
>>>> I considered creating a new model to introduce Event and Venue models,
>>> but
>>>> I decided that it was unnecessary. All the information I needed to store
>>>> about a venue could easily fit within the page-with-parts paradigm. I
>>> just
>>>> needed to add the reorder extension so I could order on the events
>>>> chronologically.
>>>> I wrote the Subscriber lists extension for this project. I would have
>>> liked
>>>> to use the Newsletter extension, but I wasn't sure how to configure the
>>>> server to send mail from our GMail.
>>>> Shameless plug: If you are planning to be in Edinburgh this August, be
>>> sure
>>>> to check out the West Port Book Festival. Events are all free!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Drew
> Jim Gay
> http://www.saturnflyer.com
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