I just went with Translator and really liked it. I had built several pages with Language Redirect, which was one of the first Radiant behaviours.

I think that the page part solution is the best, both for building the site and maintaining it. It also makes switching the language, but keeping the same content trivial. Two page trees is a bit hard to maintain, but is of course the most robust system.

But I agree, once again, not a one size fits all situation.


On Aug 6, 2008, at 2:01 PM, Casper Fabricius wrote:

Hi Oli,

Three extensions, three different approaches to translation:

Language Redirect: Separate site trees for each language.
Translator: Separate page parts for each language, but a single site tree. Language Switch: All translations in the same page and part, separated by tags that indicates the language.

Language Redirect seems to be the most widely used, and the way to go if you want different site trees for different languages, i.e. only translate a subset of pages. I also like that it is very compact and has clean code. On the other hand, it seems quite messy to have to keep several different site trees in sync.

Language Switch gives you the "clean" site tree and "clean" use of page parts, but on the other hand you need to use the tags indicating language all over. Also, this extension completely disables all caching at the moment.

I think I'm gonna go with Translator for now. Since I only need to run the site in two languages, and I only have two page parts per page, it won't be too cluttered when editing a page. This extension also seems to handle caching quite well, although it happens through some pretty hackish code that might break Radiant at some point.

This is yet another example of the fact that when it comes to i18n and l10n, one solution never seems to fit all.


On 04/08/2008, at 4:41, Oli Studholme wrote:

Hey Casper,

On Aug 3, 2008, at 3:19 AM, Casper Fabricius wrote:

I'm eager to hear if you have found a fitting extension for handling multiple languages. I'm considering using Loren Johnson's language switch (http://github.com/lorenjohnson/radiant-language-switch/tree/master ), but maybe there is something better or different or more advanced out there?

I’m using the Language Redirect extension:

You create language code root articles (/en, /ja etc) and build your localised site under there. When a user visits the domain root, they’re automatically redirected to one of the localised roots based on browser’s accept language. This doesn’t work well with the automatic breadcrumb tag though (you get the site root and the locale root, which end up pointing to the same thing).

Another option is the translator extension:

It seems you create a page part for each language, then the extension displays the relevant part based on browser’s accept language or session variable.

There might be some more info in the mailing list archives

peace - oli
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