On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 05:42:00PM +0900, KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko wrote:
> At Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:55:38 +0900,
> I wrote:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/radiant/openedu[169]% rake production 
> > radiant:extensions:aaf_search:migrate
> > (in /s/usr-home/admin/radiant/openedu)
> > == 1 AddSearchableToPages: migrating 
> > ==========================================
> > -- add_column(:pages, :searchable, :boolean, {:default=>true})
> >    -> 0.0425s
> > == 1 AddSearchableToPages: migrated (0.0430s) 
> > =================================
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/radiant/openedu[170]%
> >
> > successed migration! Thanks Manabu and Bill!!
> Anyway I restart server and created search page according to
> 5 to 9 in [1]. Search performed fine but in Japanese word
> can't hitted. Is it possible to japanese retrieval and how
> to set up to do tha?
> [1] http://projects.barnard-engineering.com/doc/aaf_search/index.html

I don't think I can answer this one for you. I have never looked into
how ferret works. This might be a question for the ferret mailing list.

Cheers, Bill
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