Benny Degezelle wrote:
5. I also think I sent a pull request to everyone else.  Hope that's the
right thing to do.

Pull request received and handled.
I cherry-picked your commits instead of merging though, because i think the
tag_list_technorati stuff by ehaselwanter should go in a seperate branch.

Oops, you're right.. I was blindly merging everything.

Re your Weekly wacky suggestion; we coĆ¹ld rename the extension (I'd prefer
radiant-metatags-extension), but that is not going to stop people from
referring to it as the tags extension, so I'm not too sure if that would
make googling for it easier?..

yeah, probably not, unless you also changed the [radius] tags themselves - e.g. r:metatags:each, r:metatags:cloud, etc.

I'm not sure if it's actually worth it; I was kinda thinking out loud. I figured either someone would love the idea, or they'd hate it. Or they'd think it's okay.

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