Since John passed the ball to me, it'll probably be easier to write an email first than a blog post.

The primary goal I had for this weekend was to make headway on a refactoring of the admin interface toward a conventional RESTful design. These changes will be rolled into the 0.6.10 release to give time for developers to update their extensions before 0.7.

Clinton Nixon helped refine the design of the parent controller for all primary resources in the interface and converted a number of the controllers and their specs to the new design.

Rick DeNatale showed up midday and paired with me while I was working on refactoring the Page interface, which happens to be the most complicated one. Like a good pairing partner, he kept me honest about writing specs.

Adam Williams started writing integration specs for the admin interface using his spec_integration plugin and was joined midday by Mark Imbriaco in a pairing session. Many bugs were squashed and edge cases discovered thanks to them, including an esoteric bug involving an extension that only gets loaded in test mode. We'll be reducing the number of controller unit/functional specs and relying more on integration specs going forward.

Brian Landau worked on creating an extension migration generator and specifications for the other generators.

Andrew O'Brien implemented a much needed and obviously missing "to_slug" method for the String class, among other things.

As I mentioned before, I worked on creation of the Admin::ResourceController and conversion of most of the existing controllers to the RESTful design. In the course of this, I was able to contend with the dirty-tracking "feature" of Rails 2.1. The existing models, including Page, should act as expected.

You can follow our work in the 'rest' branch of the core repository. This branch will be squash-merged once ready for the mainstream.

Josh French -- please fill us in on what you and your group did on Saturday; I missed a lot of that.


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