On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 3:00 PM, Keith Bingman <ke...@keithbingman.com>wrote:

> What was your problem with non image files? Paperclip handles those pretty
> well now and paperclipped is getting better...

And Paperclipped handles Radiant 0.6.9 better than page_attachments as well.
No offense to it's author, but after fighting with page_attachments to get a
previous commit that won't break 0.6.9 working on my dev and production
servers, I won't be using page_attachments again.

Paperclipped is much easier for managing assets, eveything is much more
organized, the content is searchable and you sort by media type. And on top
of it all you don't have to create a content page for storing all your
assets and links to images are just as simple as Adam manetioned:
<r:assets:image title="Standard Check Mark" />.

IMHO, page_attachments was good for it's time and filled a need for asset
management, but with paperclipped now available I won't be using it on any
future projects.

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