I don't know why isn't it working for you. I just installed this morning and it works well.

This are just guesses:

1. When you set the DATABASE_MAILER_COLUMNS in your environment.rb you need to set the exact fields you will have in your mailer form. If you see on the blog we have:

  :name => :string,
  :message => :text,
  :email => :string


<r:mailer:hidden name="subject" value="Email from my Radiant site!" /> <br/>
<r:mailer:text name="name" /> <br/>
<r:mailer:text name="email" /> <br/>

<r:mailer:textarea name="message" /> <br/>
<input type="submit" value="Send" />

2. You need to comment the "config.frameworks -= [ :action_mailer ]" line in environment.rb to make the mailer work.

3. If you want the "blob" to work you also need to create an "email" page part with "<r:mailer:get bla bla/>".


On 5/21/09 7:02 PM, N. Turnage wrote:
Cristi Duma wrote:
oh, I got it the other way around...

well, i'm sure that if you follow the instructions on the blog or the readme on github it will work.
Everything is working except that the submitted information just isn't getting into the form_datas table. I just don't know what else to do. I have reinstalled these extensions 3 times now and while the Mailer works, the information just isn't getting saved. I don't know which part of the database_mailer extension intercepts that information, but it's not working for me.

This is the transaction that's taking place when the form is submitted:

Processing SiteController#show_page (for at 2009-05-21 10:43:14) [POST] Parameters: {"action"=>"show_page", "url"=>["contact"], "mailer"=>{"church"=>" kljh k", "name"=>"lklkjshdglkh", "subject"=>"test email", "graduation_year"=>"769876", "school"=>"kjh h jh", "email"=>"pixeln...@gmail.com"}, "controller"=>"site"}
Sent mail to emailaddr...@domainname.com
Completed in 0.41906 (2 reqs/sec) | DB: 0.00283 (0%) | 302 Found [http://test.texasfreshmen.com/contact/]

I don't understand where it is breaking. It worked for me once, and I cannot get it working again.

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