Designers I've worked with seem to build UI in Radiant pretty easily,
once they see the Layout -> Snippet -> Page workflow.  If you're
talking about being to manipulate the layouts, etc. without using the
Radiant interface, you can use ItsAllText extension for Firefox: to edit with the text editor of your choosing or
the Radiant File System extension for saving pages/layouts/snippets to
the file system to be checked into version control, editing, then
importing later:

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:40 AM, Anton Aylward <> wrote:
> Radu Curteanu said the following on 10/14/2009 09:13 AM:
>> Ok but then what is the way to work when working with a designer ? How can
>> a developer and a designer work in this case ? Where should the designer
>> put his work ? Is there a way to work around on this? I see that in the
>> github repo there is an app folder with everything in it(app folder I
>> mean).
> Have you tried setting up a radiant site on your workstation or have you
> just looked at the stuff at github?
> I think that if you were to set up a site and go into the admin mode and
> see a running site and try things out a lot of your questions would be
> answered.
> The later releases have a number of 'designs' that you can examine, but
> you need to have a runing site to do that.
> A number of people have already told you 'its in the database' and you
> can't see what's in the database until you are up and running.
> --
> I wonder why. I wonder why.
> I wonder why I wonder.
> I wonder why I wonder why
> I wonder why I wonder!
>    -- Richard Feynman
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