Myron Marston said the following on 11/30/2009 12:24 PM:

> So, it appears to me that the cache is being properly cleared on the server,
> but Firefox is continuing to display a version of the page that is has
> cached on the browser.  My best guess is that there is some issue with the
> HTTP cache headers that causes Firefox to continue to display it's cached
> page.  I haven't dealt with HTTP cache headers before, so I'm not really
> sure how to go about troubleshooting this.
> Any suggestions?

Perhaps this ties in with my "Last-Modified header question.
Though in this case, I should think you have a simple case of changing
the header that has nothing to do with the time the page or its children
was edited.  However I'd be interested in hearing how you change it when
the page itself isn't edited.

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