Hi Folks,

I would greatly appreciate your thoughts on an approach we¹re considering to
solve a small design challenge.  Since this is our first Radiant
install/build, we¹re interested in picking up the entire radiant-fu from the
get go.

We¹ve identified that we can create four layouts for our entire site, one
outer layout and three inner (using nested-layout, of course).  The majority
of our pages will rely on one inner layout.  We have come up with a design
scheme whereby content that is dynamically generated and therefore has code
that would be confusing to an editor (radius tags, flow control, etc.) will
be implemented as a snippet.  All other content will be implemented as page

There are two challenges we faced:
1. There is at least one page where we do not want to display at least one
of the snippets called for in the most-used inner layout
2. There are some page parts ‹ different for each page ‹ that should appear
in a right gutter, wherein the rest are laid out in the left div.

To solve Challenge 1, we thought of two schemes by which we can suppress the
display of the targeted snippet:
1. Add a part called ³No_<SNIPPET>² to the page where the targeted snippet
should NOT be displayed
2. Extend the snippet tag to have a new attribute ³suppressable² so that a
snippet that is flagged as ³suppressable => true² has a check box generated
& displayed on the /admin/page/x/edit view when the layout with that snippet
is selected.  We can serialize the set of check boxes to support future

To solve Challenge 2, we also came up with two solutions:
1. Precede the name of a page part with ³RG_² to indicate it should be
displayed in the Right Gutter
2. Add a checkbox to the page part (after the reference links) ³Display in
Right Gutter² that would use similar display rules as described above.

So, the question is, what clever solutions have you used to expand the Admin
functionality for your users?  Is there another approach that we¹re missing
that would be more elegant?  I¹d appreciate your warnings and
encouragements.  :-)


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