Anna and Fito... thanks a lot for your help.  I'll check out the custom Page
stuff tonight!

- Ryan

On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 11:23 AM, José Adolpho da Silva Gordo Neto <> wrote:

> Hi Ryan,
> Unless I am missing something, I think Radiant can meet your needs out
> of the box with the help of a few extensions. However, I would do this
> a little differently than you describe for simplicity's sake. I would
> use the stereotype extension so that every page added under the /
> meetings page would be created with the necessary body parts (Date,
> Location, Description, etc...). Now everytime the non-technical user
> creates a page under meetings, the correctly named body parts are
> automatically added, and the user simply has to click on the relevant
> body part and fill in the necessary info.
> I think there is an extension for building forms and calling them
> through Radius tags, but I think the method I described above is a
> little more straight forward and more inline with the overall Radiant
> architecture.
> Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
> -Fito
> On Apr 7, 2010, at 11:36 AM, Ryan Ferretti wrote:
> > Hey Everyone, I just started looking into Radiant to use as our
> > team's CMS
> > and it looks pretty cool... you guys have done a great job!  My
> > question
> > basically is about whether Radiant supports creating custom admin
> > forms so
> > that someone non-technical could create a page.  Something like this
> > scenario that uses the "Articles" page and its children from the
> > Roasters
> > Template:
> >
> > A person who knows no html/ruby can go into the admin section and
> > create a
> > new Article for a Meeting by just filling out certain fields like
> > Meeting
> > Title( which is technically Page Title now), Date of Meeting,
> > Location, and
> > Description.  This would just be simple form without the Page Parts
> > (body,
> > extended).  And then a technical person would obviously have to
> > write the
> > main Meetings page which aggregates its children and adds all of the
> > styling... something like this:
> >
> > <r:children:each limit="5" order="desc">
> > <div class="entry">
> >  <h3><r:link /></h3> <-- This could stay as the title -->
> >    <div class="posted">
> >      Posted by <r:author /> on <r:date format="%B %d, %Y" /><em>|</
> > em><img
> > src=""; /><a href="<r:url
> > />#disqus_thread">Comments</a><em>|</em><r:link>Read full
> > article</r:link>
> >    </div>
> >  Date of Meeting: <r:content part="meeting_date" />
> >  Location: <r:content part="meeting_location" />
> >  Description: <r:content part="meeting_description" />
> > </div>
> > </r:children:each>
> >
> > Is this possible out of the box or will it take a good amount of
> > work to
> > change the model/controller logic behind the scenes?  Regardless of
> > the
> > answer we are definitely going to use Radiant on a different project
> > with
> > all technical people.  Please let me know if I am not making sense.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Ryan
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