Radiator continues to perform very nicely, but I'm at a loss on two little

First, we're seeing duplicate ID errors, but what's odd is that they come
in bursts.  Things will be just fine for a long time, then suddenly I'll
see a bevy duplicate request errors from several different NASs within
about ten seconds of each other.  Any ideas?

The other thing is more easily explainable.  We're using our own SQL
stanzas for accounting (using AcctSQLStatement in the config file), but
I'm relatively frequently seeing errors like this one:

Wed Feb 17 16:09:23 1999: ERR: do failed for 'UPDATE CallsOnline SET
acctinputoctets = , acctoutputoctets = , acctsessiontime = ,
acctterminatecause = 0 WHERE acctsessionid = '284842146' AND nasidentifier
= ''': ORA-00936: missing expression (DBD: error possibly near
<*> indicator at char 42 in 'UPDATE CallsOnline SET acctinputoctets = <*>,
acctoutputoctets = , acctsessiontime = , acctterminatecause = 0 WHERE
acctsessionid = '284842146' AND nasidentifier = ''')

Now, it's obvious from looking at the SQL statement that it's lacking
several variables, but these variables are definitely in the stanza in the
config file.  It looks like this:

      AcctSQLStatement  UPDATE CallsOnline SET acctinputoctets = \
         %{Acct-Input-Octets}, acctoutputoctets = %{Acct-Output-Octets}, \
         acctsessiontime = %{Acct-Session-Time}, acctterminatecause = \
         0 WHERE acctsessionid = '%{Acct-Session-Id}' \
         AND nasidentifier = '%{NAS-Identifier}'

First of all, does anyone know why some accounting packets are lacking
these variables?  My rather uneducated guess is that it's someone who
logged on and right back off again, but I'm really just pulling that idea
out of thin air.

Failing an explanation for the missing variables, does anyone have any
suggestions on how to deal with these errors appropriately?  The result of
the error is that we end up with a start record in our CallsOnline table,
but no stop record, so for all intents and purposes, this user is
indefinitely logged on.

Any explanations and/or ideas are greatly appreciated!

Andrew O. Smith - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sysadmin, Insync Internet Services
Houston, Texas, USA

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