Hi there.

We get the same message, even though we are using the USR dictionary, to
which we have added a few bits and pieces out of the (quite comprehensive)
Merit dictionary. We dealt with it by simply adding a line to dictionary.usr
giving the attribute a name and defining it as a string. It's probably a
number though, since we are now logging empty strings...

I too would like to know the definitive answer. Maybe a note in the 3com
newsgroups is in order.

Regards, K.

Am 25-Mar-99 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> Hello,
> I keep getting this error message in my logfile:
> Thu Mar 25 12:19:35 1999: ERR: Attribute number 39020 (vendor 429) is not
> defined in your d
> ictionary
> I am assuming that the dictionary I am using does not define this
> attribute. Does anyone 
> know what line(s) to add to my dictionary file to take care of this
> problem! 
> Vendor 429 is 3com/
> USR BTW. Moreover, is it a critical problem or should I learn to live with
> it.
> Thank you in advance.
> P.S. Mike, Thanks for that default maximum session you added. 
> -Radwan Khalil
> -True Communicatons Corp.
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