Thanks Mike,

I'm starting to get my PostAuthHook running and starting to like Radiator a
lot. My hook so far is:

PostAuthHook sub {  my $reply = ${$_[1]};                                    \
                            my $reqst = ${$_[0]};                            \
                            my $status = ${$_[2]};                           \
                            print "\n";                                      \
                            print "User =    ", $reqst->get_attr('User-Name'),
" ";   \ 
                            print "Days =    ",
$reply->get_attr('Days-Since-Added'); \                                print
"ACCEPT =  ", $main::ACCEPT, " ";                   \
                            print "Status =  ", $status,
"\n";                        \

This is printing to the screen which is crude, but good enough for debugging.
Some of the output is below. I've been reading the online manual and trying to
work it out. I would expect to see PostAuthHook called once when someone logs
in [currently seeing it twice]. Could this be due to having the PostAuthHook
in the <Realm DEFAULT> section? If so where should I put the PostAuthHook? Do
I need to add in a <HANDLER> section?

Thanks.  Paul

User =    rjensen Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    gstearn Days =    129.84 ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    gstearn Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    gstearn Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    robyn Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    airmen Days =    131.09 ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    airmen Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    ryan Days =    104.89 ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    ryan Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    johndel Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    lumsden Days =    104.88 ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

User =    lumsden Days =     ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

Mike McCauley wrote:
> Like this:
> PostAuthHook sub {  my $reply = ${$_[1]); print "its ",
> $reply->get_attr('Days-Since-Added'), "\n";}

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