Hi Mike,

How should I check if I have an Access-Accept in the reply? Below is my
PostAuthHook, you can see that I am printing out the authentication result,
${$_[2]}, the value is always 0. I'm also printing out $main::ACCEPT (From the
PostAuthHook documentation) and it is always 0. Could you let me know if I'm
doing something wrong, or if I am seeing a bug in Radiator?

Regards.  Paul

>PostAuthHook sub {  
>  my $reply = ${$_[1]};               \
>  my $reqst = ${$_[0]};               \
>  my $status = ${$_[2]};              \
>  print "\n";                         \
>  print "User = ",$reqst->get_attr('User-Name')," ";   \
>  print "Days = ",$reply->get_attr('Days-Since-Added');\                            
>  print "ACCEPT =  ", $main::ACCEPT, " ";              \
>  print "Status =  ", $status,"\n";                    \
>  }

> User = rjensen Days =        ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0
> User = gstearn Days = 129.84 ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0
> User = gstearn Days =        ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0
> User = gstearn Days =        ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0
> User = robyn Days   =        ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0
> User = airmen Days  = 131.09 ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0
> User = airmen Days  =        ACCEPT =  0 Status =  0

Mike McCauley wrote:

> PostAuthHook will be called for every packet, so perhaps you are seeing it for
> auth and accounting packets, making you think it is clled twice. IN the hook,
> you will have to chjeckl whether you are dealing with an Access-Accept in the
> reply, and therfore that the user has just successfully logged in.
> Cheers.

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