Hi Mike,

I have spent most of my Christmas break working on Radmin/Radiator and making
sure that my /etc/passwd file and Radmin MySQL database exactly mirror each

I would like to be able to control customer access to my ISP via Radmin. I
have added an extra field SERVICESTATE to the Radmin Database. When
SERVICESTATE is set to SUSPENDED I want to prevent that customer from logging
in. The behaviour I want to get from Radiator is as follows:

If the MySQL Database is running then
  If Customer Login Id is NOT SUSPENDED then
    Authenticate customer for login
Else if MySQL is not running/working
  Authenticate customer from the passwd file

If the customer is set to suspended the AuthBy Radmin will fail and will drop
through and authenticate from the password file. 

What do I need to do to not let the customer login if he is suspended, but
still allow authentication from the passwd file is MySQL is not running?

Regards.   Paul

My Radmin config is as follows:

Trace   4

DbDir           /etc/raddb
LogDir          /var/log/radacct
DictionaryFile  /etc/raddb/dictionary
RewriteUsername s/^.*\\|@.*$|^\s+|\s+$//g

# This clause defines a single client to listen to
# You will probably want to change localhost and mysecret
# to suit your site.
<Client dm1>
        Secret   XXXX
<Client pm1>
        Secret   XXXX

# This clause means we will handle any real that arrives
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject
        <AuthBy RADMIN>
                # Change DBSource, DBUsername, DBAuth for your database
                # See the reference manual. You will also have to 
                # change the one in <SessionDatabse SQL> below
                # so its the same
                DBSource        dbi:mysql:radmin
                DBUsername      XXXX
                DBAuth          XXXX

                # Set the Idle Timeout using the Radmin database
                AuthSelect select PASS_WORD, STATICADDRESS, TIMELEFT,
                AuthColumnDef 0,Idle-Timeout,reply
                AuthColumnDef 1,Filter-Id,reply
                AuthColumnDef 2,Framed-IP-Netmask,reply

                # You can add to or change these if you want, but you
                # will probably want to change the databse schema first
                AccountingTable RADUSAGE
                AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
                AcctColumnDef   TIME_STAMP,Timestamp,integer
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTSTATUSTYPE,Acct-Status-Type,integer
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTDELAYTIME,Acct-Delay-Time,integer
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTINPUTOCTETS,Acct-Input-Octets,integer
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTOUTPUTOCTETS,Acct-Output-Octets,integer
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONTIME,Acct-Session-Time,integer
                AcctColumnDef   ACCTTERMINATECAUSE,Acct-Terminate-Cause,integer
                AcctColumnDef   FRAMEDIPADDRESS,Framed-IP-Address
                AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-Identifier
                AcctColumnDef   NASIDENTIFIER,NAS-IP-Address
                AcctColumnDef   NASPORT,NAS-Port,integer
                AcctColumnDef   DNIS,Called-Station-Id

                # This updates the time and octets left for this user
                AcctSQLStatement update RADUSERS set
#               #
#               # These are the classic things to add to each users 
#               # reply to allow a PPP dialup session. It may be 
#               # different for your NAS. This will add some 
#               # reply items to everyone's reply
#               #
                AddToReply Framed-Protocol = PPP,\
                        Framed-Routing = None,\
                        Framed-MTU = 1500,\
                        Acc-Callback-CBCP-Type = CBCP-None,\
                        Framed-Compression = Van-Jacobson-TCP-IP

        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename /etc/raddb/users

        # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
        AcctLogFileName /var/log/radacct/dm1/detail

<SessionDatabase SQL>
        # This database spec usually should be exactly the same
        # as in <AuthBy RADMIN> above
        DBSource        dbi:mysql:radmin
        DBUsername      XXXX
        DBAuth          XXXX


# This clause defines an authorisation method that will be used
# by any users in the database with Auth-Type="System". It will
# match the "Identifier System"
<AuthBy UNIX>
        Identifier System
        Filename /etc/shadow

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