> Well, if your server's time is bonkers, that's a feature, not a bug.

I think you miss both the point of davena.

The radio time is synced to the server (and also runs on its own when
the server is down) - this is how it is supposed to work, BUT:

If the radio has another timezone set than the server, they still are
synced to the same time (8GMT=9CET) but the alarm doesn't fire at the
time you want.

Your radios displays shows 8:00 clock, you set your alarm on the radio
to 8:10 ... and it won't fire.
When the radio display shows 9:10 the alarm start to play and happily
announces - hey I'm the 8:10 alarm.

I'm very sure, nobody wants to call THAT a feature.
If you set an alarm, you expect it to be relative to the time the radio
shows (thus in the timezone the radio is running, not the server).

And how do you start to trust an alarm, when the first time you set it,
it just doesn't fire ?
Since I know this problem my server timezone is set correctly - but you
know what - I don't trust it as soon as I'm connected to MySB.com ?
What timezone does this server has ?

More details and proposed solutions here: 


1x SB-Controller+Receiver (Duet), 1xSB-Boom. 1xSB-Radio
Server (7.4.1) running on Linkstation NAS (LS-CHL) (with Debian Lenny
instead of Stock-Firmware)
bluegaspode's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=31651
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=70526

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