Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm a new convert whose entire
previous experience is with Roku products.  My new Squeezebox radio just
arrived, and in reading the forums here, I see a lot of folks having
issues with server outages, etc.  

Hoping to avoid all that, since ALL I want to do is to be awakened to
internet radio each morning and don't need all the other whistles and
bells, I am trying to figure out how to simply configure the radio with
2-3 preset internet radio streams.  

The initial instructions seem to force me to connect to even to get the thing up and running -- why?  With my
Roku, all I have to do is enter the url of the desired station; no
connection to RadioRoku is necessary whatsoever (it *can* be used if one
desires, but not required. 

Thanks for any clarification!

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