@BigPotato -- Thanks for the confirmation; that has been my
understanding, but I was beginning to doubt myself. :) 

@toby10  -- I did hook up yesterday via mysqueezebox.com and all went
smoothly ... till this morning when I found my internet connection down.
The good news is that the radio DID alarm correctly, so no
over-sleeping.  However, once my ISP was back up and running, I still
had no luck reconnecting to mysqueezebox.com, despite rebooting,
resetting to factory defaults, etc.  Finally had to give up and phone
support, only to be told that the mysqueezebox.com server  is down. :( 
Exactly the sort of thing that I was concerned about, and in less than
24 hours.  Doesn't Logitech even post when there's a widespread outage
like this???  Very disappointing.  How often do such outages occur?  


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