Loom;695562 Wrote: 
> Coming back to my problem again ..
> In short: Nothing changed. The alarm still sometimes reverts back to
> the fallback alarm. I even exchanged my router in the meantime,
> upgraded LMS several times.
> It was running fine with SBS 7.6, but the problem did start with LMS
> 7.7. The alarm could play for 20 minutes without interruption, and then
> again decises to drop out and play the awful fallback sound.
> Music playback is still fine - it runs for hours and hours, without a
> single failure. I still wonder what makes the alarm code so sensitive,
> and why there even is such an interruption as seen in the logs.
In my setup I found the issue to be short network problems, which can
happen if you are connected via Wifi. The issue is that this will
trigger the fallback alarm even if the disconnection only happens
temporary during a second. During normal playback this is never an
issue because then the playback buffer handles the issue and there are
plenty of audio data in the buffer so the network problems aren't

For some unknown reason Logitech decided to make the alarm code
extremely sensitive to network issues, it's very frustrating when it
happens, would be so much better if it only triggered the fallback
alarm if the network isn't able to recover after 2 minutes or something
similar. Not sure what they were thinking, it's not like I'm going to
fall a sleep during 2 minutes and don't wake up if there is a 2 minute
silence before the fallback alarm triggers.


Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
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