minor7flat5 wrote: 
> I did notice that in order for my radios to come back to life I had to
> do a factory reset. Perhaps there was some networking stuff cached that
> couldn't heal on its own with a reconnect. Even after the first radio
> was up and running for a day, I went to work on another one and it
> couldn't be persuaded to connect correctly.
> Once I did the* factory reset*, the second radio connected right away to
> MySqueezebox and worked fine.

factory reset?   I have done the hold the PWR Button down for a few
seconds and then go thru the network connection, etc.  and it gets to
"connecting" to MySB.com and then it may connect or may not.

Even after connected it is very slow in response to any buttons pushed. 
Sometimes no response, sometimes a minute and then boom it moves.

This connection on/off also happens to my phone APP  SqueezeControl/SB
Player.  SB Player will connect and then get a "command status error"
and "reconnecting" about every 20 seconds.

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