A short while ago, I decided to set up a separate LMS instance on a
RaspPi, rather than run it through my (linux) desktop as I had
historically. Unfortunately I also made some network changes at the same
time, and after the current problems became apparent, I have been
putting things back to original in the hope I can identify the problem.
No luck.

I have a number of SB Radios, including a practically new one I found on
ebay. I have set up a Raspberry Pi with HifiBerry DAC, connected to my
stereo system and have an SB Radio in the kitchen. Every short while (30
mins or so), whilst streaming radio off internet, the radio falls silent
"rebuffering", and continues after 30 seconds or so. In order to strip
back to basics, I've taken the following steps:

- Removed the Hifiberry DAC, so RaspPi now runs LMS standalone
- Moved Rasp~Pi to connect (wired) direct to router
- Swapped out Max2Play for PiCorePlayer

I think Max2Play was causing connectivity problems with the SB Radios,
and swapping to PCP seems to have cured that. But no cure yet for the

RaspPi running PCP 8.0 and LMS 8.2 - radios are patched as required >

Any help gratefully accepted as this system's been working for many
years brilliantly before I tried to "upgrade" it



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