Man in a van wrote: 
> As this effects all Radios it would seem to indicate a Network problem
> (I'm guessing here :))

I composed some thoughts yesterday, but apparently hitting "submit"
eluded me :)

You mentioned that at the same time that this started occurring, you
made some network changes, did this perhaps include your router and/or
your ISP provider, network switches, etc?

Since you can stream your library, on all your players, either wireless
or ethernet, but the same cannot be said for internet radio stations, (and I assume services like Pandora, Tidal, etc), it does sound
like it's your connection to the internet (as @P Nelson also suggests).
Seems like the LAN side of your router is ok. Since you made network
changes, this is the first place to look.

You could also build a test system, to eliminate some of the variables,
install LMS on a Mac/PC, connect a radio, how does it behave? I have not
done this, but can you connect the test system/LMS to your cell phone's
service (hot spot/tether) to remove your isp/router from the equation?

Sometimes rather than trying to untangle a mess, I like to start from
the basics and build from there, even if it's just a test system.

oh, one last thought, are the players synchronized? 


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