On Sun, Jul 30 2017, Martin Hertz <mvhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> After thinking about it, then as ratpoison has implemented internal history
> support itself, then maybe enabling libhistory support and adding to
> resource-usage, wouldn't be the best solution, and I only also wanted a
> single option from said lib, which was the search-in-history completion
> function(e.g. 'ch<arrow-up>' becomes 'chromium', or 'sou<arrow-up>' becomes
> 'source .ratpoisonrc' etc, which in libhistory is enabled with a preceding
> exclamation-mark), which possibly could be implemented anyway additionally
> later on, in the internal history support if deemed appropriate.

Being able to search in the ratpoison history using C-r, etc looks like
a nice feature, maybe it could be implemented in a simple fashion.

> Btw, i'm sorry I cannot contribute myself (yet), as a noob in C
> programming, but im doing what I can to learn it currently :)

As someone that uses C almost every day, I can only support that
effort. :)

> Unrelated, sorry, but I previously read about adding mouse-focus to frames,
> though not by default... I have no say in this obviously, but I would hope
> it would then be as an external compile option and external file, like
> sloppy.c, and not going into main-code. Personally I find this highly
> strange, that there's a demand for such and think it's highly
> misplaced,

I personnally don't care at all about mouse-focus suport.  And fact that
you care about a feature doesn't mean that I - or anyone - *has* to
implement it.  This is free software, you're not a client.

> but of course as said, none of my business, and I respect the maintainers
> decision on this obviously.

As I already said on this list, mouse-focus support is likely to be
accepted if someone actually takes the time to discuss and implement it,
from scratch or using the work done by folks like Jeff Abrahamson.

> A final unrelated note, is that I would love if xft got disabled by default
> - it more than doubles memory usage and imho doesn't seem to fit into a
> small fast keyboard-centric wm, but that's just my humble opinion. though
> i've seen plenty state the same around the web - of course the only ones
> deserving a vote on this, is the actual maintainer and coding-contributors,
> I of course understand and respect.

I'm unlikely to disable Xft support by default given that non-Xft looks
ugly even to me, and most people have tons of ram and high-resolution
screens.  If you build ratpoison yourself you can disable it, or ask
your distro to disable it by default.

> Thanks for keeping ratpoison alive everyone, it's very much appreciated!

Sure. :)

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