or you could use this that is an RBase Form that I wrote many years ago 
and is still working reliably today.  It allows for the Seeding of  
Caption, Return Variable Name, and the Date for the initial display. This 
is the Calling EEP:

*( Display calendar with:
  [Manditory]    Caption = "Pick A Date"
  [Manditory]    vRetDate = "NameOfReturnVariable"
  [Optional]     01/06/2002 = "TheSeedDateForInitialDisplay"
                 When Seed Date is ommitted, the Current Date is Defaulted
  Note: 1. The return value is of type text, but you can edit the onExit EEP
           of the form to change the return type as Date if you wish
EDIT USING rbcalendar CAPTION 'Pick A Date,vRetDate,06/15/2005'
SET VAR vmsg = ('You Picked' & .vretdate)


On Tuesday, April 17, 2018 at 1:20:46 AM UTC-4, kkleinman wrote:
> I often need to get dates from users before I run a report or form. Is 
> there a way to build a dialog that gives a date chooser similar to what you 
> can do in a form, without  having to create a form for it?
> Thanks!
> Kayza Kleinman
> Director of the Nonprofit Helpdesk 
> *Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island, Inc*
> 3001 West 37th Street
> Brooklyn NY 11224
> 718 449-5000 x 2266
> fax 347-946-6390 
> www.jccgci.org
> www.nphd.org

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