I think possibly your best bet is a used bike trailer hooked up to the 
Betty engine. Maybe not as sexy as some other options, but hey, it's a 
school bus, and you can often get them cheap. As kids join the train, they 
can simply toss in their backpacks, books, whatever, saddle up, get in the 
paceline, and then grab 'em right out at the school. No fussing with 
opening and closing bags, buying expensive stuff, whose thing is in what 
etc. No worries about kids precariously loading their bikes. (Though the 
older ones should be schooled in rackage and baggage. A good after school 
activity.) I have a Cycle Tote that would be perfect for this--basically a 
big open box with soft canvas sides. Has a thing for when it rains. Even a 
basic kid's Burley would be fine. Also good as a traffic calming device for 
the trip. And it goes on/comes off in under a minute. Maybe a few of the 
parents will even help fund it, since you will be saving them the hassle 
and trip! Or apply for a Bike Train To School grant!

On Friday, August 26, 2016 at 5:27:25 PM UTC-4, LeahFoy wrote:
> School begins on Monday, and we have before us a number of challenges. The 
> school is in its second year, and it has exploded in population. There was 
> nearly no parking to begin with, and with the second school in the 
> neighborhood also convening in the morning and with the canyon's whole 
> workforce trying to get out for their 25 minute commute with but one single 
> road that we all must share, biking is a NO-BRAINER. But nearly no one, 
> excepting us, has done it. The school is 2 miles from my door (too far to 
> walk), all downhill to school, and all uphill on the way home. The hill is 
> so steep that a child really needs brakes of good quality for the downhill, 
> and a bike that isn't too heavy (these are just kids, remember) and has 
> GEARS for the way uphill. Also ideal would be a bottle cage for water since 
> we live in Vegas and a rack. But a rack is probably asking too much. 
> I mentor the junior high girls from church (I heart teenagers!), and one 
> of my little favorites, L,  will attend our school. She and her little 
> sister plan to use their electric scooter and bike to join us. She babysits 
> a boy who will ride with us on his own bike. Another family I'm acquainted 
> with asked if their 5th grader could join us. As I was leaving campus after 
> the meet and greet today, I heard L yell, "Leah! We have some more coming!" 
> "More what?" I asked.
> "More girls!" she called.
> "Riding bikes?" I asked, incredulous.
> "Yes, my mom's getting all their information, I'll tell you later!"
> So, there you have it. Leah's Bicycle Bus is born! 
> You might imagine I have some anxiety about the logistics. Even more about 
> the liability. I have a plan worked out, and I'll tweak it as need arises. 
> Now, for the question.
> My only-5th grade-son has been reclassified as a middle-schooler. He must 
> carry all his books/folders/etc in his backpack. They tell me, "Oh, and 
> here's his Chromebook for the year. It goes home with him every night." 
> My Betty Foy has a Nitto Big Front Rack with the biggest Wald they make. 
> The back has a lighter duty rack that was acting as a support for my medium 
> Saddlesack. This is not going to carry both sons' bags and lunches now that 
> my "middle-schooler" must schlep around everything he owns. Also, what 
> happens if one of the neighborhood kids needs me to haul something?  I 
> called Riv and Will listened and we both thought I would need the Big Back 
> Rack, so I ordered it. Now, I wonder if I should continue to use my medium 
> saddlesack or if I should order the large. Or maybe just add 
> Back-a-Bike-bags, which are out of stock for now. Will suggested: 
> http://www.carsickdesigns.com/products/large-pannier-set but I don't love 
> them very much.
> Someone chime in and tell me what's the best way to carry all this weight.
> Thanks once again! L

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