Since RBW regrettably doesn't make kids hillibikes, I'm going to have to go 
a bit outside of my comfort zone to pick out a first pedal bike for my son. 
He's ~3.5yo, and more than ready to move up from his 12" balance bike.

Any tips from other parents who have recently gone through the switch from 
balance to pedals? I'm leaning toward something like a Woom 3 (16"), since 
they seem to be very well regarded, and I'm afraid he would outgrow a 14" 
bike too soon at this point to justify the expense. (am I wrong?) Probably 
also worth noting that a lot of his riding is currently on trails, so I'm 
definitely looking for something that will work well off-pavement, too. 
Anyhow, I'll take any advice the group is willing to throw at me - thanks 
in advance for your help!


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