On Jul 3, 3:35 pm, Peter Morgano <uscpeter11...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Intriguing, a build kit for a Riv is $1,200 so not sure how it would be
> possible to do a whole bike for $1,400 made out of lugged steel unless the
> are having 1k frames made in China or something like that.


Riv and Soma have a relationship.  Soma makes pretty nice lugged
frames, with a retail price point of $730.  The Soma frames are  made
in Taiwan.  The Riv frame is going to be made in Taiwan.

Hmmmnn.... a Prestige-framed Riv?  And the Soma frames even require
57mm brakes.

My only question is why would it take a year to produce?


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