I guess we'll call it Tour de Waimanalo and it was certainly more a tour
than the BORAF in that I went, I rode around, and I rode back, camping
while there and never raced (well running downhill with a loaded bike can
be kind of fun).

I left on Friday morning and after 25 miles into the wind, replete with
stops, photo-ops, and a wonderful time on my new Hunq I arrived. I was
camping with a group of folks who aren't bikey in any way and they were all
amazed I'd ride 25 miles for anything. Several offered to give me rides
back on Sunday so I wouldn't have to ride back.

On Saturday I took a 12.5 mile ride around the back of Waimanalo just to
keep my legs happy, my brain happy. My Hunq, without all the luggage,
though still sporting her Wald up front, attracted a few stares. I like to
think at least one of the folks blasting past me considered that perhaps I
was having a great time not worrying about much of anything.

Today I packed up fairly early so that I didn't have to ride home in the
heat of the day, though I still caught enough. The ride back was much
easier than the ride out because although it was still windy I had it at my
back from time to time.

I was very impressed how easy it was to climb up to Makapuu lookout from
Sea Life Park now that the shoulder is marginally wider and I have a bike
that both had easy to use gearing and track really, really well. I've done
it on a variety of bikes including my Quickbeam (which tracks well but
doesn't go as low).

The camping bit itself was really quite nice. We were actually on Bellows
AFB so we had a PX we could use, we'd all chipped in for dinner, and lots
of folks brought grills and such so I didn't need my Trangia and could buy
coffee in the morning. I'd be the first to admit it was just barely
camping. I mean I did sleep in a tent and all, but the rest was not even
close to roughing it. :-)

On the ride back I treated myself to something else we love in Hawaii
besides SPAM. Shave ice. And not that roughly shaved stuff I often find
when I travel, but the highly shaved variety that holds the syrup and on a
hot day is so cold it's challenge to avoid a cold-ache with ever bite.

Shave Ice

And here's a variety of unedited shots from the rest of the trip. I'd take
more but it's a regular ride and I'm likely to see a lot of again next
weekend even. :-)


As for the bike, it was great, both loaded and unloaded. While I wouldn't
say that 25 miles is a particularly long ride, it's long enough loaded and
into the wind and I was comfy the whole way, not achy anything, no hot
spots, just riding.

I can't wait to do it again (though I'll have to pick another campsite as I
can't get on base without the sponsor who set this one up). You'd think
we'd have a lot more spots to camp but it is fairly limited and tough to
get a permit at times.

Anyway, it was a blast...I'm glad the Hunq made it here in time for the

Aloha, Bob

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 5:34 PM, dougP <dougpn...@cox.net> wrote:

> That's getting with it & getting out on tour as soon as possible.  It
> wasn't that long ago we watched the smiling UPS driver deliver the
> box.  Good on you for not wasting any time.
> dougP
> On Oct 19, 6:43 pm, "Robert F. Harrison" <rfharri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm on my first camping trip with my Hunq. Had about a 25 mile ride into
> > the wind to get to Bellows AFB campgrounds. It was a great ride, bike
> > handled beautifully even with all the gear...tent, pad, bag, change of
> > clothes, so on and so forth.
> >
> > http://flickr.com/photos/mgps-bob/8104171170/
> >
> > Quick stop at Makapuu lookout.
> >
> > Aloha,
> >
> > Bob
> --
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Robert Harrison

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