To return to the original question, the three records cited with period
in 300 were created last year, presumably as AACR2 records, and recently
had $e rda added to the 040.  However, they lack other signs of RDA
records, such as 33X fields or abbreviations spelled out, and in some
cases, "i" in Desc.  



John Hostage                  Authorities and Database Integrity

Langdell Hall       

Harvard Law School Library    +(1)(617) 495-3974 (voice)

Cambridge, MA 02138           +(1)(617) 496-4409 (fax)


All that having been said, in many many many LC RDA records, the 300 $c
does not end in a period. In many others, it does. Any clue as to why
some lack the period? For some examples, see OCLC #'s 677981165,
449856066, and 587078028 (lacking period); and 308173544, 297147712, and
468854226 (with period).

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