Heidrun said:

>The Working Group claims that this is all "straightforward" (p. 3 and p. 
>5), which had me laughing out loud. It may be many things ("unnecessary" 
>comes to mind), but certainly not that.
Amen Sister,
>I wonder: If something is that difficult to understand, 
>_can_ it be a good thing? Granted, Einstein's Theory of relativity is 
>thought to be a good thing, although it's hard to understand. But 
>cataloging theory should be simpler than that, surely?

On the other hand, wasn't it Einstein who said the simplest
explanation is usually the correct one?  Look at how much more simple
Galileo's explanation of planetary movement is than Ptolemy's.

   __       __   J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (m...@slc.bc.ca)
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