You still don't get it.

Everything you're doing is based upon some data element somewhere that a user 
must act upon. It doesn't have to be traditional bibliographic data for the 
FRBR user task to apply. You're still looking for things, finding them because 
the relevant data was somewhere, still having to make discernments and 
decisions about what you're looking at, and still having to make some decision 
about suitability. For example, one the data elements for an expression entity 
that satisfies the "Select" user task is "Award." So if you find something, 
anything that won an award, and that's important to you, then you are 

There's nothing 19th century about doing that.

Thomas Brenndorfer
Guelph Public Library

From: Resource Description and Access / Resource Description and Access 
[RDA-L@LISTSERV.LAC-BAC.GC.CA] On Behalf Of James Weinheimer 
Sent: June-07-12 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: [RDA-L] "Work manifested" in new RDA examples

On 07/06/2012 18:49, Brenndorfer, Thomas wrote:

I think part of the problem is that James believes that FISO (find, intentify, 
select, obtain) applies only to "traditional access points of author, title, 
and subject".

That's incorrect.

Any element, big or small, belonging to any entity can be the target of these 
elementary tasks.

When people fill out any form, it's to provide bits of data so people can find 
the form, identify what's on the form, and do things with the data, such as 
select (which is the basis of limits and filters and other kinds of operations).

When James is saying entities are changing into all kinds of strange new things 
("entirely new and never seen before") he's ignoring the main point -- just get 
the data you need so we can continue to do useful search and retrieval on these 
strange new things. As anyone who has set up a database will say -- design the 
system to get the job done, and that means deciding what data are important and 
what needs to be related to what.


That is the theory, and how it was supposed to work in the old days. While it 
is true that the entities are changing into strange new things, "find" is not 
an entity. It is a behavior of the people, and based on the powerful new, and 
constantly changing capabilities of systems today, people are able to find 
things in an entire variety of ways that only the wildest science fiction 
writers could have imagined 30 years ago. As I said before, Google "the russian 
that killed the old pawnbroker" That 
information is nowhere in the bib record, nor does it need to be. It works, 
that is if you are looking for the novel Crime and Punishment, but if it is the 
name of some musical group, you may have a problem.

I have seen a video where, "it's a book about Napoleon but I don't remember the 
author or title, only that it had a really neat green cover". You Google 
"napoleon book" go to images, click on the color green (you'll find it) and you 
get books about Napoleon with green bindings. This kind of search was a 
librarian's joke not that long ago. Now it can be done!,isc:green

The modern information agencies are collecting vast amounts of information 
about each person that even we don't know about ourselves, to use it to find 
things I am not even aware I am searching for. This is what Tim Berners-Lee's 
"mechanical agent" is all about. Whether I love it or hate it is irrelevant; it 
is happening now.

But we must see that it is something profoundly different from what we had 

James Weinheimer<>
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