I come to the collective wisdom looking for guidance.

I have cataloged this record according to RDA standards (I hope!).  What 
troubles me is the 710 for Polaroid Collections.  I have no idea what to use 
for the subfield $e except perhaps "contributor," and that doesn't seem 
correct.  The term "author" would seem to suggest that the Polaroid Collections 
should be the preferred entry, but this book does not seem to fall into any of 
the categories for corporate authorship.  I did use the subdivision "Catalogs" 
in one of the 610 fields, but this doesn't seem to be an "official" catalog, 
although all the illustrations are of photographs held by the Polaroid 
Collections, and Barbara Hitchcock is the director of the Collections.

Thoughts?  Any and all corrections also gratefully received, especially for the 
300 field.

Michael S. Borries
Cataloger, City University of New York
151 East 25th Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY  10010
Phone: (646) 312-1687
Email: michael.borr...@mail.cuny.edu

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