At Mon, 9 Jul 2012 06:20:00 +0800,
Alan Manuel Gloria wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 3:17 AM, David A. Wheeler <> 
> wrote:
> > I think we need to seriously discuss all the splicing/grouping/etc. stuff.  
> > Those decisions will affect everything else, and there are complex 
> > trade-offs.  One challenge is that practically any character or character 
> > pair seems to be already used by someone.
> >
> >
> >> proposal 3:
> >>
> >> 3.  . = SPLICE = GROUP, remove SPLICE-at-the-eol rule (this helps
> >> justify removing the SPLICE-at-the-eol: since \ at the eol has an
> >> existing meaning in other languages, we avoid it.  Incidentally, "."
> >> has a meaning in general western written languages: it ends sentences.
> >>  So we could justify using it to mean "end the expression so far and
> >> start a new expression", which is one interpretation of the
> >> SPLICE-inline rule.)

> > So I don't like the idea of "." as "splice"; I think it's too confusing.
> Okay, so what symbol should we use as splice/group?  Candidates

I also think that . is not suited to the infix-splitting. 

At least in emacs lisp it would be suitable as intenting prefix, though - even 
without additional parsing, since (equal (. "a") "a").

So in elisp, we could rewrite this


to this

  (. (exp1))
  (. (exp2))
  (. (exp-else)))

Which could be rewritten as


With . as prefix, this would become

  . exp1
  . exp2
  . exp-else

Which would be very close to (equal (. t) t)

Alternatively the exact representation could be used:

  . (exp1)
  . (exp2)
  . (exp-else)

On the other hand, I think that just trying to reduce the number of
lines is not really important. It is always possible to use brackets,
after all, and brackets are not always a bad thing.

As strange as it may sound, I think that this version actually looks
clearer than the one without the brackets…

Direct use of brackets would be this:

A third alternative for doing this indenting would be direct use of brackets:


But I think this looks rather strange…

For EOL it’s possible to just use the “standard” \, followed
directly by a linebreak (that’s almost universally used for breaking
shell commands, so most people should already be familiar with it).

> >
> >> let
> >>   .
> >>     a b
> >>     c d
> >>   e
> >
> > This one doesn't look bad; claiming that "." on a line by itself as a 
> > special case seems plausible.  I'm still worried that "." is too hard to 
> > see, but it *is* plausible as a "group" marker.
> Yes, but particular specifications of SPLICE make SPLICE-by-itself act
> in the same manner as a "group" marker like the above - so I'd rather
> merge their meanings to reduce the number of special syntaxes that we
> need to spec out.
> In short, SPLICE-by-itself should just "drop out" of the rules for
> SPLICE-inline and SPLICE-at-the-start.

So an elisp code using all of this could look like the following:

    a 1
    b 2
    = a 1
    . (message "true")
    . (message "false")

The corresponding elisp code would be:

    (a 1)
    (b 2))
    (= a 1)
    (. (message "true"))
    (. (message "false"))))

Without the indenter, it would look like this:

    a 1
    b 2
    = a 1
    message "true"
    message "false"

That way “. (…)” would be a way to set some functions calls apart from others.

I do not know if this would be valid in other lisps, though.

Guile Scheme would be:

    (a 1)
    (b 2))
    (= a 1)
    (. (display "true"))
    (. (display "false"))))

And this works, too.

So yes, this would be a hack on the language (because it already
allows using . this way), but I somehow like that. It minimizes the
changes from regular lisp and only uses syntax elements which already
have a special meaning in lisp - though not at the point where they
are used.

a . b → construct a cons-cel
    b → create a double bracket
. (b) → pure syntactic sugar to give the code a stronger structure.

As a departure from normal sweet parsing rules, “. (…)”¸ could retain the 
indenting rules - different from direct use of brackets. So 

  . (exp1

would correspond to

  (. (exp1

Which es equivalent to




-- for comparision again:

  . (exp1

  . exp1

… I’m not sure if I am blinded by the nice hack represented by . (…).
The form without the brackets could be cleaner, but I can’t really
judge that objectively right now.

    a 1
    b 2
    = a 1
    . message "true"
    . message "false"

If this is cleaner, the form would be:

a . b → construct a cons-cel
    b → do a double bracket
. b → pure syntactic sugar to give the code a stronger structure.

With this, there would be only six syntax elements:

And () could be omitted, so the required syntax elements in sweet expressions 
would be


Adding \ for linebreaks would stay consistent with bash.

Or just use . there, too, to join lines, just as it joins cons-cels:

a . b → construct a cons-cel
    b → do a double bracket
a .
  b → ignore a linebreak,
. b → pure syntactic sugar to give the code a stronger structure.

What is missing is splitting lines, because that would definitely
conflict with constructing the cons-cel.

So alternate: The adding dot:

a . b → construct a cons-cel
    b → do a double bracket
. b → pure syntactic sugar to give the code a stronger structure.

And the splitting and unbreaking backslash:

a \ b → split a line in two
a \
  b → avoid a linebreak.

Though this is somewhat strange, because only removing the linebreak
in the second case gives

a \ b → (a) (b)

while the correct form would be 

a b → (a b)

With the dot to avoid a linebreak that would be worse, though, because
a .
  b → (a b)
a . b → (a . b) == valid syntax! (dangerous as no tool could warn about it)
(though that’s the case for \ as line splitter and unbreaker, too)

Best wishes,

PS: What I like the most about the . is that it is already used, so it
does not add more syntax overhead.

PPS: Sorry for being a bit chaotic here.

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