The special chars that look most promising to me as single chars:
> \ = often means "continue on next line" when at eol in other languages
This is one I've been using, and as noted earlier, it already has a meaning to 
many readers.

> ~ = mostly unused except in Arc, where ~foo means "the function foo
> with its output notted" and ~ means "the not function"; otherwise
> valid function name
> ^ = otherwise valid function name (superscript?  even infix
> exponentiation or XOR operator: {a ^ b})

They don't have to be single characters, though.  The current "group" marker is 
already multiple characters.  Plausible special abbreviations could include:

Since "." is unlikely to occur at the beginning of a line, that's plausible as 
a group marker, but as I described earlier I don't think we should use it in 
the middle (e.g., for splits).

Maybe we can divide this discussion into two areas:
1. Which symbols can we use for special operations, e.g., ~
2. What semantics should we use.  Perhaps we can use placeholders SYMBOL1, 
SYMBOL2, SYMBOL3 when we don't care.

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