Maybe I am just dense, so please enlighten me.  What problem does HTML
email solve?  I see no reason for it, and am one of those that just
deletes it.  But maybe if I knew the problem it solved I'ld be willing to
consider it a solution.

 On Tue, 16 Jun 1998, David Hauck wrote:

> In the responses to this thread, I have heard many "why nots".  What seems
> so funny to me is that those who are against HTML formatted mail seem hell
> bent on how some one can use it to mess up communication.  Or better yet,
> how some use it to overcome their lack of ability to craft their ideas into
> words.  
> Personally, I can say that HTML-formatted mail also has many advantages.  I
> do not wish to elaborate them here for various reasons.  However, I was
> very surprised at the lack of appreciation by a technical group.  Most
> importantly, I think we in the Linux community need to keep our eye on the
> future -- whatever that may be.  Simply closing the door on HTML-formatted
> email just because "people don't know how to communicate anymore" is not an
> answer that will likely lead to improvements as individuals or a community.
James Boorn
"All right, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me -
    so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer." 
-- Homer Simpson 

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