>My system informed me that I had no space left in the root filesystem.
>So, I removed a bunch of files totaling about 20meg. When I did a "df"
>the filesystem still shows no space available. Where is the space
>I freed-up?

Excuse me, but how the Hell are any of us supposed to know what files you
removed and from where?  We have no idea what you did, how you did it and
where you did it.  We have no idea the layout of your system, etc., etc.

In other words, our crystal balls are in the shop and you must therefore
provide details, lots of details.

Sorry to be terse, but questions like this are impossible to answer.

System Administrator - Finnigan FT/MS - Madison WI. URL:http://www.ftms.com/
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               [Oooohhh, I need a hug]
phone: (608) 273-8262 ext: 612  fax: (608) 273-8719
Visit - URL:http://www.vidiot.com/  (Your link to Star Trek and UPN)

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