A lot of times you will find that when running low on space...and you
delete say, like you said, 20 M, that the df binary will show your
respective filesystem as 0 M left. But if you look at the actual amount to
the left of the 0, you will find that there is still some space left....I
don't know why "df" acts in this particular fashion, but this happens to me
all the time and I just ignore it....for example:

df -h

/dev/hda3 880M  871M  0 M

it shows it something like that...I apologize, I am not at my linux box at
the moment.....it seems to only do this when you have say 5-10 M left on
the filesystem...it still shows it as 0 M....dunno....maybe upgrading to
the latest "df" binary will help? I just ignore it....:)

> From: Vidiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Space problem?
> Date: Wednesday, June 17, 1998 2:29 PM
> >This is a response to the lovely language in the response to the
> >question below...I'd have to say thats pretty unappropriate...and the
> >files he removed are really inconsequential(at least in my point of
> No, it was appropriate because it is meant to educate.  Questions that
> for help but supply no trouble shooting information are begging for what
> you call "unappropriate" answers/responses.  None of us have crystal
> that look at these systems and see what is there, what commands were
> executed, etc.
> Besides, how can you say "and the files he removed are really
> He didn't say what files were removed.  We don't even know if the removed
> were in the path that would affect the root partition.  You must be one
of the
> few that has a working crystal ball.  Mine doesn't work.  So tell us,
> did you get yours?  :-)
> Original posting was"
> >> >My system informed me that I had no space left in the root
> >> >So, I removed a bunch of files totaling about 20meg. When I did a
> >> >the filesystem still shows no space available. Where is the space
> >> >I freed-up?
> >> >Wayne 
> It provides zero information in which to proved accurate help.  We can
> make WAGs, but I'm sure he is looking for results.
> MB
> -- 
> System Administrator - Finnigan FT/MS - Madison WI.
> e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]               [Oooohhh, I need a hug]
> phone: (608) 273-8262 ext: 612  fax: (608) 273-8719
> Visit - URL:http://www.vidiot.com/  (Your link to Star Trek and UPN)
> -- 
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